Cable Health

Our intelligent monitoring capability enables Network Operators to optimise their cable asset replacement strategies, keep customers on supply and pre-empt costly problems

Optimising cables for today and tomorrow

Changing customer behaviour – including increased usage of electric vehicles and low carbon technologies – is putting greater pressure on our ageing distribution infrastructure.

The condition of electricity cables, cable joints, link boxes, fuses, and other LV network elements can progressively degrade over time. Without an effective monitoring strategy, undetected issues can escalate into faults that may take customers off supply and lead to costly penalties for DNOs.

Our smart devices – and the data they collect – enable a more proactive approach to managing cable health by giving clients a clear picture of developing problems. We also provide guidance on where and when to install equipment on the network, allowing DNOs to plan timely interventions, maximise network availability and realise greater value from their equipment fleet.



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Prolonged life of current infrastructure

As underground cables reach the end of their life they become a costly to maintain. We help Operators prioritise maintenance activities and maximise cable health and life.

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Increased visibility

Our smart devices reveal a full picture of the condition of cables, cable joints and transformer assets, allowing Network Operators to optimise asset replacement strategies.

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Pre-empting costly problems

We provide a clear picture of cable health and load capacity issues, enabling Network Operators to take pre-emptive measures to avoid costly faults developing and supply interruptions.

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Efficient use of equipment

Our smart devices help identify potential issues with ageing or damaged cables, allowing Network Operators to find and fix the fault or deploy recloser equipment more effectively.

Optimising network performance with Sapient

Kinegar’s comprehensive suite of services provides DNOs with round-the-clock visibility and control over their LV networks.

Combining advanced analytics and the vast experience of our technical support team, Sapient transforms real-time cable health data collected from our smart devices in the field into actionable insights. This includes ranking cable assets, enabling operators to pre-empt fault activity with timely repairs, optimise maintenance schedules and support proactive network planning.

Learn More about Sapient
Sapient 2

Peeling back the pavement on LV cable faults

With over 500,000km of LV underground electrical cables across the UK, cables are undoubtedly the DNOs biggest asset. Challenging as ever, they can’t be visibly assessed or easily accessed. So how do operators know the overall health of this key piece of infrastructure?

During this on-demand webinar, we intend to lift the pavement and dig deeper into the science behind the composition and detection of underground cable faults. We also explore the importance of fault finding for good CI/CML performance.

Watch now
Peeling back the pvements

Unrivalled LV test facilities

At Kinegar we remain committed to R&D, key to this is our unique test facilities. Comprising of dedicated cable health labs and a live electricity network, we are able to monitor faults from their infancy, right through to a permanent fault condition.

The network is constructed of multiple cable types that can be arranged in a wide variety of configurations. Faults can be added to the network in a specially constructed fault trough which allows us to investigate faults mid-cable, at joints and at cable ends. This also allows us to evaluate the behaviours of faults in different ground conditions. Street surface simulators allow us to measure the progress of fault gasses, as well as the heat generated by the fault, through the wide variety of surfaces that cover cables in real settings.

To date, this has allowed us to capture more than twenty million bursts of fault activity, and countless hours of early life fault development data.

HQ Test Centre

Find out more about cable health

Get in touch if you’d like to learn more about how Kinegar can help Network Operators monitor and manage the condition of their LV cables and other assets.

Simply complete this enquiry form or call us on 020 8058 7384 (UK) to speak to a member of our team.